
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

      So I guess I’ve gotten into a writing kick these days.  It’s kind of refreshing.  Today I was thumbing through my journal
from a few weeks ago when I found this:

1 Corinthians 2:6-16. 

This is an incredible passage full of so much to chew on.  But today the part that sticks out to
me is verse 13:  not in words
taught by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit,
expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.”

     Something there hits a deep place in my spirit and makes me
stop and ponder.  No wonder the
things God’s doing in my heart don’t seem to always makes sense to me;  I’m trying to understand a spiritual
thing out of my own natural understanding.  So I must prepare myself…when God brings revelation of what
He’s doing, it’s going to be in spiritual words. 

     What if spiritual words are undetected unless I listen with
my spiritual ears?  It’s a
different language.  I need to
train myself to speak and listen in this language so that as God speaks, I
understand.  And I’ll understand
not because I’ve got it all figured out, but because He speaks spiritual truths
in spiritual words.  If I’m
spending my time trying to make all this make sense to me without listening for
spiritual understanding, then I’m just spinning my wheels.

So how do I listen with spiritual ears? 
What do spiritual things sound like?  I don’t claim to have answers for these questions yet.  But I think it probably starts with me
turning off the part of my brain that wants to figure everything out in my own
strength.  Perhaps it’s there in
the midst of the un-knowing that God speaks spiritual truths to my heart. 

     “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind conceived what
God has prepared for those who love him…”
I’ve always stopped reading that verse there.  But wait, read on, it gets better.  It continues on, “…but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.”  There it is!  God does bring
revelation of what He’s doing.  He
reveals it to us, to me and you, by His Spirit.  No longer can we can we wallow around in our helplessness as
we say, “gosh, I dunno what God’s doing.” 
He’s in the business of revealing Himself to us!  We just need to train our spiritual
ears to hear Him and see Him.