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Thoughts & Inspiration

As I sit down to write this last update from Kenya, my world has suddenly changed. We just returned from the airport where we sent all the students off on their way back to America. The houses are quieter than they’ve ever been and I find myself having mixed emotions. I feel like a proud parent looking back on all the Lord has done in and through this team this past year. They will definitely be missed! On the other hand, there is a sense of relief, freedom, and peace. After living in community with 12 other people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the quietness is very much welcomed.

Now I’ve got 3 more days to spend quality time with the Kenyans that I’ve built relationships with. I sat down and made a list yesterday and so far I’ve come up with at least 30 people that I need to see, tell them I’m leaving and bring closure to our relationship. Just the thought of the emotional overload that will happen in the next 3 days exhausts me! But it’s something that has to happen as I bring closure here. I am torn by emotions now as I am very excited to go home and be with loved ones for a bit. However, leaving Kenya has never been harder!

With my post-summer plans still a bit up in the air as of now, I’m having to trust in the Lord more than ever to give me this peace through the unknown. I know that I’m entering a season of transition. With all of these changes, you may ask “what does this mean for Kayla?” Well, that’s an excellent question! J I am seeking the Lord and waiting on Him to open the right doors, in so showing me what the next chapter holds. I look forward to sharing with you further as God directs me to the next step. Thank you for continuing to uphold me in your prayers during this transition time in my life. You are such a blessing!

Much love,