These past two weeks I’ve had the incredible opportunity to see and experience God working in the lives of the FYM team and their leaders in Mexico. It’s just a glimpse of the mighty things He’s doing. I thoroughly enjoyed walking alongside the team on this journey we’re all on. As I reflect on my time in Mexico, my mind is flooded with great memories. I’ve tried here to list a sampling of the highlights. Getting to know their hearts. Seeing them engaged in ministry – loving God and loving His people. Experiencing the ups and downs of community living with 10 other people. Sharing stories from past experiences and listening to their stories recounted from their past 9 months together. Laughing with them over silly things. Listening to their heartbeat as they shared with me what God is doing in them. Standing with them in prayer knowing that God hears and responds. Growing with them and trusting that God redeems all situations.
I see spiritual growth and great potential. I see transformed lives. I see the Father beaming in pride for His children. I see brokenness and the Lord’s hand in bringing healing. I see vulnerability and a family that has developed out of a group of strangers. I hear their hearts. Their heartbeats are becoming closer to the rhythm of the Father’s heartbeat each day. They are forever changed as are the people they have encountered and loved.
What an honor its been to see just a glimpse of what God is doing. During each leg of the journey, He continues to show me little glimpses. These glimpses are shaping how I see God, how I see myself, and how I see the world around me. These small glimpses are painting a beautiful canvas.
A good friend of mine recently sent me a book called “To Baghdad and Beyond” by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. As I finished this book, a paragraph on one of the last pages caught my eye. I read and reread it and decided that this sums up my feelings towards my time in Mexico and the many other opportunities God is laying out before me to experience more of Him in the world around me.
The excerpt reads:
“I recognize that my experiences fit into a master plan of which I am only one small part. The vision I have is limited, and even what I see is not a dream that belongs to me. It is, I hope, a faithful witness to the work that God is doing in the world.”