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Thoughts & Inspiration

As I’m finding myself in this weird place of transition,
I’ve been very reflective these past few days as it’s so quiet
without the team here. The Lord has called me into a place of
vulnerability and real-ness with Him. I have the tendency of
working so hard to take care of everyone else and meanwhile,
not allowing God to do what he wants to in my own heart.
I’m learning how to “feel” again in regard to all these emotions
I’ve pushed back…in attempts of being the “strong one.”

There are a flood of emotions with leaving here. I’ve cried
myself to sleep a few nights lately as I think about not being
here. But I’ve also cried and longed to be home with family
and friends. I’m torn. The children are the hardest to leave
because they just don’t understand why I must go. But the
good-byes have started. Today I spent all day with various
neighbors fellowshipping with them, praying together, and
encouraging them in the Lord as I depart. Each day He’s
bringing me to a place of more closure, even though it may
be one of the hardest things I’ve done in a while.