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Holy Spirit Explosion in Hospital – A Must Read

I’m re-posting this blog which was written this week by Mike Sanders, one of our leaders on the field in Kenya.  I LOVE what God is doing in and through these teams.  It’s crazy! 

Holy Spirit Explosion in Hospital – A Must Read   

Some demons told him that if he didn’t poison himself, they were going to chop him up into pieces with machetes…


“Oh Praise the One

Who paid my debt

And raised this life

Up from the dead”


I sang this over Michael, as he lay there in a coma, moments from
death.  There was a tube connected through his nose that was sucking the
poison out of his body.  On the floor beneath the hospital bed was a
bag filling with the poison, a thick green substance.  He was as good as

It was my first time visiting the hospital here in Busia.  All my senses
were hit with the sound and smell and taste and touch of sickness and
death.  It was as thick in the place as a cloud of smoke that rises up
out of the kitchen after you’ve burnt yet another dinner.

He lay there motionless, unresponsive to any of our prayers, and yet…
we couldn’t stop praying.  We prayed for about 15 minutes, and our
translator was ready to move on to the next bed.  Andy and I made eye
contact, and we both knew – our work wasn’t finished.  We continued to
pray passionately for this man to come back to life for over an hour. 
As we prayed, our prayers became more and more bold, and faith was
shooting up and out the ceiling.  One by one, others members of the team
walked over to the bed side and began praying fervently.  I prayed for
an “open heaven” over him, and that God would rain down healing upon

Soon there were about 15 people surrounding Michael’s bedside, most from
our team but also some people who were in the hospital joined us in our
efforts.  We began to worship God loudly and openly in that ward, and
people all around began to pray.  Suddenly the wind picked up outside
until the windows were shaking.  People rushed over to close the windows
as the storm quickly developed all around the hospital.  Soon it was
down pouring rain and the wind was shaking the building.  We sang
louder, we prayed with more boldness, and continued our efforts.  I kept
calling out to him, “Come alive!  Come alive!”  After another 30
minutes, we said our final amen.

Ashley and Andy were in tears and didn’t want to leave the bedside,
almost out of fear that they would return to hear of Michael’s death. 
What do you do when you spend it all in prayer and God doesn’t show up? 
How do you cope with that?  I just smiled, and told them it was time to
go.  Something inside me just knew he would come back to life, and I
knew it wasn’t going to take long.

Sure enough, our team went back the following day and Michael was out of
his coma!  He came back to life!  The poison left his body (just as we
commanded it to in the name of Jesus) and he was able to speak with the
team about his experience.  He told them that he didn’t hear the
prayers, but that he felt them!  He was going through intense spiritual
warfare, and the enemy wanted him dead.  I remember while praying for
him the night before, hearing these voices saying over and over “He’s
gonna die, He’s gonna die!”  Jesus kept saying “He’s my son, He’s gonna
live!” and so I took Jesus’ side. 😉

The second day at the hospital they ministered to Michael, cast some demons out of him, and then he gave his life to Jesus!

SO much faith rose in that place that everywhere the team looked people were praying and worshiping God. 
The Holy Spirit exploded in that hospital! 
Patients with arms raised to heaven, on their knees, family members on
their faces before God.  One bed-ridden woman who hadn’t walked in over a
month proclaimed faith in Jesus and got up and walked!  The nurses told
the team that many people were released to go home the day after we
came and prayed!

It’s so simple!  You can just pray for an open heaven, proclaim healing
and freedom and life and then Jesus shows up and does it!  A man raises
from death back to life, a woman walks for the first time in a month,
and a team of Muzungu’s (white people) are walking in greater, bolder
faith!  All the glory to God!