
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve been given a beautiful gift. The gift’s name is margin. Within margin comes the gift of rest…a sense of stepping back for a season to rest physically and emotionally. To refill my cup, mend my net, and prepare for the next season. For the past 2 months I have been given the grace and space to step away from the role I’d been filling. I was still involved with AIM, but I had the opportunity to do something different, to travel with new teams, to gain perspective, to dream, to spend time filling up. This gift could not have come at a better time. I never knew how much it was needed. Margin is a beautiful thing! 

One of my favorite authors, Mark Batterson, writes this on margin:
One of the quantum challenges leaders face is this: as the organizations they lead start experiencing organizational growth they stop experiencing personal growth. Why? Because of the demands of the organizational growth. They start leading the organization and stop leading themselves. And that is when the blessing turns into a curse. Growth will grind to a halt. In fact, it will probably implode. You lose spiritual margin. You lose intellectual margin. You lose creative margin. And you stop growing. No Margin = No Growth.

The key to continued organizational and personal growth boils down to this: margin. You need margin to think. You need margin to play. You need margin to laugh. You need margin to dream. You need margin to have impromptu conversations. You need margin to seize unanticipated opportunities. You need margin.

I’ve discovered over these past 4 years that it’s easy, especially in ministry, to get so engulfed in what you’re doing, in the tasks at hand, that you lose perspective. So as you can imagine, it was wonderful to step off the moving sidewalk just for a bit.

During this season, I re-discovered things that bring me life. My perspective changed. My mind was transformed and creativity and spontaneity returned. I’ve never been one to not enjoy life, but during this time, God opened up a whole new level of enjoying life! I found myself trying new things and making time for things I enjoy. Simple things like sitting in a hammock reading a novel, kayaking on the lake, gardening, learning to row, having extended uninterrupted time to pray and listen to God’s voice, and learning about and engaging in beekeeping (fascinating!!). This season of rest has renewed my mind and the new Kayla is all about trying new things. A phrase that rings in my ears is this: “When’s the last time you did something for the first time?” I’m trying new things; I’m having a blast and simply enjoying life.

I’m thankful for where God has me and the people he’s surrounded me with. What a blessing it is to work in a place where my leaders values my heart more than my job. They saw what I needed and made it happen, in such a loving and supportive way. I’m so thankful. I’m now re-engaging and stepping back into the happenings at the AIM office. I’m entering into a new role which I’ll fill you in on soon. I’m returning more refreshed than I knew was possible. I have more excitement for what I put my hands to. It’s a new day and I couldn’t be more excited!!

Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing!”

2 responses to “Margin”

  1. Yea, you! I’m proud of you for taking this time. With reflection comes wisdom. And I am so thankful for the people that you work with that enabled you to have this time. May God’s blessings be poured out on AIM!!
    Now, could you please stop looking so grown up in your pics? That’s REALLY starting to get on my nerves. Thanks! You’re the best!!! Love you big.

  2. It’s so incredible to look back and see all that God has been doing in you during this time. It’s been a blast and I love your attitude and grateful heart through all of it. I’m blessed beyond comphrehension to have you as my friend and roommate.