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So it’s Friday and I thought it’s time for a little Friday FUN blog! ๐Ÿ™‚  Today’s blog is full of more randomness that swims around in my head at 4pm on Friday afternoons.  Such as….

1) I recently saw a plethora of butterflies and had these thoughts in this sequence…”oh look, butterflies, I love butterflies!  It makes me think of Spring.  Wait…it’s not Spring, it’s Fall.  Wait, where do butterflies go in the winter?!”  Which led to my ultimate question: Do butterflies hibernate??  What’s a person to do with such a random question?  The only viable solution was Google, so I looked it up.  The findings are in…Butterflies are cold-blooded and cannot withstand
winter conditions in an active state. Butterflies may survive cold weather
by hibernating in protected locations. They may use the peeling bark of
trees, perennial plants, logs or old fences as their overwintering sites.
They may hibernate at any stage (egg, larval, pupal or adult) but generally
each species is dormant in only one stage.

I heard recently that in order for your house plants to grow big and
strong you should talk to them.  I’m still uncertain how I feel about
this.  And my biggest question is: What does one say to a plant?!  Any

3)  I recently discovered a funny little book that I pick up from time to time just when i need a good laugh.  It’s called P.S. I hate it here: Kids’ letters from Camp.  And just for the record it’s hilarious!!  I can be found from time to time literally laughing out loud at what I read.  In case you need a laugh today, here’s a glimpse into this funny little read…

“Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I am really really homesick.  I know you want me to have fun but I can’t!  I am sitting on my steps to the cabin crying I HATE IT HERE! The letter before this about me starting to have fun was not true I just wanted you to be happy and proud of me! I am misrable here please come pick me up.  I am starting to forget your voices.  I just really really really really really want to come home! I did 5 reallys for the 5 of us.  If you want to be mean by keeping me here fine. But DONT sine me up agian I need you to live my life.
Love your Daughter that needs you,
P.S. Come pick me up or you would be so so soooo mean.

4)  The other day a friend told me about bean brownies!  What?!  Just like it sounds, the brownies contain black beans.  It sounds half gross, half intriguing.  So I decided to go with the intrigued thing and try them.  I whipped up a batch and turns out they’re delicious! I know I know….I can hear you all saying “GROSSSSS” right now….but don’t knock it til you try it.
If you want the recipe let me know.  ๐Ÿ™‚

8 responses to “Random Friday FuN!!!”

  1. I love butterflies too!
    And, yes, send me the recipe! I also LOVE to bake, but you know that!
    Love ya!

  2. too funny! i love the random thoughts of your friday afternoon brain!

    1. to your plants simply plead with them that they won’t die but grow strong.

    2. when i come visit…i would love to try these bean brownies…interesting. you should send me the recipe too…i might be able to bake some in africa! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I’ve also tried those brownies at a friends house. I wouldn’t say they were amazing, mostly a textural thing, but I was impressed that black beans could even be made into brownies that were at the least a decent alternative.

    I miss your sense of humor and random commentary. Thanks for the refresher, it made me

  4. I’ve also tried those brownies at a friends house. I wouldn’t say they were amazing, mostly a textural thing, but I was impressed that black beans could even be made into brownies that were at the least a decent alternative.

    I miss your sense of humor and random commentary. Thanks for the refresher, it made me laugh a little i

  5. I’ll have to tell you about the butterflies encounters God has shown me these last 2 months or so!!! Bean brownies?? Not sure about that….but would be willing to try sometime…….that book sounds like a good book for a good chuckle!!!
    Love you Kayla!!! See you soon!!

  6. Great blog Kayla. I love black beans so I would probably love your brownies. That book must be so fun to read. Thanks for sharing!

  7. We want the recipe! Henry loves black beans and his mama loves brownies- win, win! Also, I have a recipe for spinache brownies and as long as they are cool, you can’t taste the spinache.
    This book IS funny. The first one I read is about a little boy telling his mom not to worry because the rash on his “p-nus” was healing and so, now that he could run, it turns out camp isn’t so bad. Hilarious!
    Love you BIG!!

  8. BAAHAHAHAHA…. “Don’t sign me up again I need you to live my life” … YES!!! Perfect Friday morning giggle for me… thanks friend!