
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As I write this blog, I’m sitting in a quaint little coffee shop here in Gainesville trying to catch up on everything after yet another busy season of training camp and getting another group of teams to the field.  Here are a few things on my to-do list today: update my blog (almost there), post some training camp pictures (check), work on my newsletter, read blogs from our Real Life participants that just left, and last but not least dominate my Inbox.  Yep, I really did put “dominate inbox” on my to-do list for today.  🙂  So let’s get started….I should update you on our training camp that we had this past week. 

Real Life camp was a huge success!  Seven packed 17+hour days will make anyone’s head spin, but we had a GREAT time!  Last week 38 passionate 18-21 year-old participants invaded AIM’s campus, led by 9 fearless leaders. And for the next few days they spent time together growing closer to each other and to God, being challenged to lay down expectations, calling out greatness in each other, and truly starting to believe the truth about who God says they are.  Let me tell you, I never get tired of seeing the excitement in young people as they realize that God really does speak to them and that they can hear His voice and experience His love in deep ways.  This group absolutely came ALIVE when they realized this. 

I have the privilege of walking alongside these students and leaders for the next 3 months as they live life in Brazil, Thailand, Swaziland, Kenya, and India.  I truly believe that they are a part of this generation that will absolutely change the world!  It’s so encouraging to walk this journey with them. As they realize the truth of who God’s made them to be and start believing that, it changes everything!

I’m incredibly proud of this group and honored that I get a front row seat to what God’s doing in their lives this Fall.  I love my job as Field Support!  I get to pray for them, read their blogs, send them encouraging emails, talk to the leaders on the phone once a week, hear about all the crazy things God is doing in and through them, challenge them, and just love on them.  It truly is the best job in the world!!

Here are some pics for your enjoyment:

Michelle McDonald and I make up the Real Life field support team.

Here are some pictures of the teams during their final night of training camp.  You’ll see them with the canvases they painted representing their heart for what God’s going to do in their countries this Fall: