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Usually when we hear the word rumor our minds are filled with dread. From my experience this word is usually related to gossip. Not much makes me flee from a conversation faster than when Mr. Gossip shows up.   I’d say in general the word rumor has a bad rap. 

But recently during a session at a training camp, we spoke of another type of rumor. 

This rumor is out there, a rumor that there’s something more. More to life than this. More than meets the eye. More than status quo. My heart craves this MORE! This rumor, this whisper, is filled with hope. When I think about it, my heart races as I think about what this world could really look like. Could this rumor be true? I think so. 

This rumor is the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Perhaps God’s been whispering this rumor over us since the day we were born…calling us to experience His Kingdom in our everyday lives. What in the world does that look like?! There are times when I get glimpses of this Kingdom and immediately I’m certain that this rumor we speak of is absolutely true! It does exist. We can see the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. Even more than see it, we can actually walk in it, be active in it! We’re called to lean into the rumor. To chase the rumor. In the midst of our crazy world, God sings this rumor over us. If I slow down long enough to simply listen, I hear this rumor. 

Chase the rumor. This phrase has been bouncing around in my head these past few days. What does this chase look like? What is this chase motivated by? I think it’s motivated by those moments in life when I see God show up in a situation. The moments where I see Him working in my life and in the lives of those around me. The moments when I see him bringing freedom, comfort, & healing. When I see and experience the work of the Father, it fuels the hunger for more of Him. The fire is stoked. There’s a great expectancy for Him to come and work in my life.

During some seasons of our lives, this rumor seems silent; sometimes we hear it as a whisper, and at other times, it’s a roar. I look around me today and I hear the whisper, but it’s growing louder and louder. I’m leaning into this rumor, I’m chasing the rumor.  It’s getting louder and I live for the day where I find myself right smack in the middle of this rumor. At that point, it shall transform from a rumor heard only here and there to the everyday reality that I find myself surrounded by!