
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 What am I doing these days? and Why do I do what I do??

I’m walking alongside young people who are coming ALIVE…being awakened into their destiny…the personal destiny that God has for them…the reason they were created!  They’re being stretched to believe that God is who He says He is.  That God is so much bigger than what they’ve always been taught in Sunday School and youth group.  I can’t explain to you the look in their eyes as they experience the “MORE” as I like to call it.  It’s the “more” God has for them.  He whispers in their ear or sometimes yells so loud they can’t ignore it.  They hear His voice saying, “Beloved, I have MORE for you!” 

They experience His redeeming love, His grace and mercy.  A weight is lifted off their shoulders as they realize that it’s not about them.  It’s not about what they do for God.  A sigh of relief is heard in the spirit as the pressure of perfectionism and performance falls off of them like a lead jacket.  He loves them and just wants to commune with them.  He calls out to them, “Come, enjoy life with Me!”

They begin to capture glimpses of God’s Kingdom here on Earth.  A picture of what it could be like all the time.  They experience what it looks like to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.  He’s giving them His heart and then sending them out.  He’s placed a mandate on their hearts to go.  Go to the nations where He is eagerly waiting to show them more of Himself.  What they don’t know yet is that He’s already got specific people in the world who He’s just waiting to reveal His glory through.  People like street boys in Uganda, people like young girls in Thailand that work the a corner just to feed their siblings, people like the secluded patients of the TB ward in the government hospital in Mbabane, Swaziland, people like the millions of orphans in Kenya, Uganda, Swaziland, and South Africa.  These students will encounter God in a brand new way this year as they love on His people.

God’s saying to them, “I can’t wait for you to meet my children.  For you not only to hear their stories of pain and rejection that will break your heart, but for YOU to become part of their story as you LOVE them with My love.  For My love changes everything!”

I have the privilege of pouring into a group of 13 leaders that will become shepherds to these teams this next year.  These leaders are being equipped by God to walk their teams through what He has for them this next year on the mission field.  Most of them have no idea how physically and emotional draining it’s going to be. However, a beautiful thing happens as they come to end of themselves and what they can do.  When they don’t have the answers and neither do I.  When they’re completely spent and have nothing else to give to their teams.  When they’re broken for the community around them that have become family.  When they’re vulnerable and feel under constant attack by the schemes of the enemy.  And yet in the midst of this, they fix their gaze on the Father.  They lean back into Him and their dependence on Him grows to a new level.  They hear His voice and He reveals to them what He’s doing in the world around them.  They fall more in love with their Creator every single day. 

They’re coming ALIVE, being AWAKENED to the MORE God has for them!  What an exciting process to be a part of.  There are times when I just stop, step back and remind myself, “this IS my life!”  Who is God that he would allow me to do what I do?!  It’s an honor and a joy to pour into these leaders and teams and I can’t wait to see what God has in store this next year!  Around every corner He’s calling me to experience the MORE He has for me! 

That’s how I would answer the question, “What do you do and why?”  Many of you have been on this journey with me for awhile now.  You have invested much into me throughout the years.  I pray that God continues to reveal MORE of Himself to you on your specific journey with Him.  I know I don’t get to see you guys as much as I’d like, but I want to THANK YOU again for all the sacrifices you’ve made to support me throughout the years.  Not only financial support, but prayer covering, and your encouragement.  Each of you are such a blessing to me! 

Several of you have asked recently about my needs, specifically my financial needs.  I am still 100% support based, which means that in order to do what I do here, I must depend on faithful supporters like you.  If God is calling you to partner with me in this ministry, whether through a one time gift or through ongoing support, you can find helpful information by following the link on the left of this page that reads “Join my support team.”  Thank you!

2 responses to “Why do I do this??”

  1. Kayla,

    You are amazing!!! I LOVE how I can feel the love in your blogs. You are my special blessing.

    Can’t wait to see you,

    Mama C

  2. It is our honor to be just a small part of what you do. We feel like we get to go with you in a way. Thank you for letting us be our part.
    More, Lord! More, Lord! More!