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Category Reflections

I never disappoint

We're in the midst of another training camp here in Gainesville, GA.  This group is made up of 88 high school students and 21 leaders who are preparing to spend their summer in places like Puerto Rico, Belize, Kenya, Uganda,…

I wonder…

     People are funny.  As I sit here at this little coffeehouse today, I’ve decided that coffee shops are great places to watch people.  I mean really, have you ever slowed down long enough to look up and just watch…

Chasing the Rumor

Usually when we hear the word rumor our minds are filled with dread. From my experience this word is usually related to gossip. Not much makes me flee from a conversation faster than when Mr. Gossip shows up.   I’d say in general…

Why do I do this??

 What am I doing these days? and Why do I do what I do?? I’m walking alongside young people who are coming ALIVE…being awakened into their destiny…the personal destiny that God has for them…the reason they were created!  They’re being…


I’ve been given a beautiful gift. The gift’s name is margin. Within margin comes the gift of rest…a sense of stepping back for a season to rest physically and emotionally. To refill my cup, mend my net, and prepare for the next season. For…